Ricoh Aficio MP 3500SPF Lower Fuser Roller Bearing with Snap Ring (Compatible) - Compatible Replacement
In Stock ![Availability of Ricoh Aficio MP 3500SPF Lower Fuser Roller Bearing with Snap Ring Availability of Ricoh Aficio MP 3500SPF Lower Fuser Roller Bearing with Snap Ring](/images/pc/co_qmark_16.gif)
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Mfr Part #:
- Ricoh A232-3560, AE03-0048, A2323560, AE030048
- Savin A232-3560, AE03-0048, A2323560, AE030048
- Lanier A232-3560, AE03-0048, C2109-8751, A2323560, AE030048
- Gestetner A232-3560, AE03-0048, A2323560, AE030048
- Muratec A2323560
PR Order #: Y6250